Title: Towards second-generation R&D consortia
Authors: Jerry Werner
Addresses: President, Werner Associates, Austin, Texas 78720-3548, USA
Abstract: Over the past decade, the need to increasingly leverage R&D expenditures has spurred the growth of R&D consortia in the USA. Yet, first generation consortia have often been disappointments and currently face dwindling support – especially from the private sector. The |horizontal| structure of many first-generation consortia is at the root of the problem: this structure leads to an |arm|s length| arrangement between a consortium and its members. Future consortia will need to adopt characteristics of vertical partnerships, while fostering information-sharing between vertical teams. That approach will provide R&D leverage by ensuring that first-tier problems are addressed and that a |technology pull| environment is created within member organizations.
Keywords: R&D consortia; technology buy-in; pre-competitive technology; National Cooperative Research Act; multi-firm research partnerships; Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation; research and development; vertical partnerships; technology management; information sharing; technology management.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.6/7/8, pp.587 - 595
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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