Title: Biological model for technology transfer in university-industry-government partnerships
Authors: Elizabeth Starbuck
Addresses: Associate Director of Technology Transfer, Center for Interfacial Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Abstract: This paper proposes a technology transfer model using an analogy with a biological process, appropriate to one of the US National Science Foundation|s Engineering Research Centers (Center for Interfacial Engineering, University of Minnesota). This biological model incorporates earlier ideas on the diffusion of technology, involving movement of information across organizational boundaries, transmitters and receptors, and gatekeepers.
Keywords: technology transfer; gatekeepers; boundary modifiers; transmitters; receptors; biological models; technology transfer; engineering research centers; National Science Foundation; NSF; interfacial engineering.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.6/7/8, pp.669 - 675
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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