Title: Management of technology: a prototype graduate program
Authors: Robert W. DeSio
Addresses: Vice President, Development and Long-Range Planning, National Technological University, Fort Collins, CO 80522, USA
Abstract: A consortium of 35 US universities known as the National Technological University (NTU) was established in 1984 and accredited in 1986. This non-traditional university has formulated and developed a new masters program in the management of technology. The program is taught in part by satellite, in part by residential schools, and in part by project work of interest to the student|s sponsoring organization. The projects themselves will contribute to a body of knowledge and become part of a library in the new discipline. The program provides an example of a successful partnership between universities, industry and government, and serves as a model and prototype for similar programs elsewhere.
Keywords: technology management; distance education; satellite communications; graduate programs; National Technological University; graduate education; collaboration; university-industry-government partnership.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1991 Vol.6 No.1/2, pp.51 - 58
Published online: 25 May 2009 *
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