Title: From research to volume production
Authors: E-J. Duhm, A. Wielockx
Addresses: Alcatel SEL, Stuttgart, Germany. ' Alcatel AMTC, Zaventum, Belgium
Abstract: The result of research is often a set of principles, the feasibility and applicability of which are demonstrated by the use of models. Product planning and realization will finally result in a fully documented product ready for transfer to volume production. The authors discuss the need for basic production technologies to be established in manufacturing plants to meet new technological trends and new product requirements, and how the early transfer of technology from the research area to production helps to ensure that products are introduced at the earliest possible moment.
Keywords: new product development; NPD; product technology; know-how transfer; volume production; research commercialisation; knowledge transfer; production technologies; manufacturing industry; technology transfer.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1991 Vol.6 No.1/2, pp.123 - 130
Published online: 25 May 2009 *
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