Title: Licensee finance
Authors: Peter Stern
Addresses: Senior Franchise Manager, Franchise Section, Small Business Sector, National Westminster Bank p.1.c. Commercial Banking Services, 8th Floor, Finsbury Court, 101-117 Finsbury Pavement, London EC2A lEH, England, UK
Abstract: In this paper, presented to the ||Licensing in Europe|| Conference, 23-24 June 1988, London, the author looks at the special characteristics of finance for licensing and franchising. In particular, he describes the arrangements and policies of the National Westminster Bank (UK) for licensee finance, and the special requirements for retail operations.
Keywords: franchise finance; franchising; licensing finance; retail licensing; National Westminster Bank; licensee finance.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1989 Vol.4 No.4/5, pp.407 - 410
Published online: 26 May 2009 *
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