Title: Counterfeit products and licensing
Authors: David G. Fletcher Rogers
Addresses: Consultant, 5 Furlong Lane, Tottenhoe, Dunstable, LU6 lQR, Bedfordshire, England, UK
Abstract: In this paper, presented to the |Licensing in Europe| Conference, 23-24 June 1988, London, the author describes the damage that can be done to a company|s markets and customer/retailer relationships by the entry of counterfeit products. He describes the activities of the Anti-Counterfeiting Group in pooling experience, pressing for legal reforms, and helping companies to cope with problems abroad. The particular difticulties experienced with products produced under licence are explored through an analysis of several examples.
Keywords: counterfeit products; Anti-Counterfeiting Group; licensing; trade marks; fake products.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1989 Vol.4 No.4/5, pp.477 - 487
Published online: 26 May 2009 *
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