Title: Role of an international funding agency in promoting innovation
Authors: Craig Sinclair
Addresses: Director, Advanced Research Workshops Programme, Scientific Affairs Division, NATO, Brussels, Belgium
Abstract: Enhanced innovation by industry is increasingly sought by governments as a means to overcome economic difficulties and to maintain growth rates. This paper examines one attempt to adapt an existing international funding agency programme to meet this new demand. The rationale of the funding programme in basic science is first described, the perceived need for the necessary adaption of this programme is then explained in terms of current science and technology policy considerations and, finally, an assessment of the success of these changes is made, taking into account possible developments in the approach used for implementation of those policies.
Keywords: innovation; international funding; international agencies; industrial R&D; research and development; international cooperation; science policy; scientific mobility; technology policy.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1989 Vol.4 No.2, pp.233 - 249
Published online: 26 May 2009 *
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