Title: Technology assessment in industry
Authors: Ernest Braun
Addresses: Director, Institute for Socio-Economic Research and Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences, A-1010 Wien, Fleischmarkt 20, Vienna, Austria
Abstract: Although the concept of Technology Assessment as an interdisciplinary forward looking analysis of the impact of technology was first introduced as an aid to the formation of public policy. The needs of industrial policy can be served by similar activities. The scope and thrust of industrial Technology Assessment differs from that performed by public bodies, but the basic idea of attempting to obtain a holistic view of the social consequences of technology is as valid for industry as for anyone else. Management can use this tool to avoid conflict, identify market opportunities and improve the image of the firm. Unhappily or otherwise, policy decisions are almost invariably made in the face of uncertainty. And hence Technology Assessment must differ from traditional scientific consultancy not only in its scope and breadth, but also in that it ventures beyond factual and verifiable information.
Keywords: technology assessment; public policy; industrial policy; technology management; market opportunities; social implications; interdisciplinary analysis.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1987 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.515 - 523
Published online: 27 May 2009 *
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