Title: Matrix-based decomposition algorithms for engineering applications: the survey and generic framework
Authors: S. Li
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 5A3, Canada
Abstract: This paper focuses on the issue of matrix-based decomposition, which has already been recognised as an effective means to address a system|s complexity. For instance, a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) has been applied to tackle the complexity involved in product architecture and project management. As matrix-based decomposition has been studied and applied in different engineering contexts, the corresponding algorithms are rather scattered and often address only specific, context-dependent problems. Therefore, this paper is intended to contribute to matrix-based decomposition in two aspects. First, the research efforts in different domains are surveyed to identify the fundamental algorithmic techniques that are relevant to matrix-based decomposition. Second, a generic framework that allows the customisation of algorithms is proposed as an integrated tool to address different problems in matrix-based decomposition. Four matrix examples have been used to illustrate the framework|s feasibility and applicability. The example results support that the proposed framework is capable of addressing four common matrix types in engineering applications, namely, symmetric DSM, non-symmetric DSM, directed DSM and rectangular matrix.
Keywords: matrix-based decomposition; design structure matrix; DSM; complex product development; clustering analysis; product architecture; project management.
International Journal of Product Development, 2009 Vol.9 No.1/2/3, pp.78 - 110
Published online: 27 May 2009 *
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