Title: Competitive and technology management strategy: a case study of TELCO
Authors: B. Bowonder
Addresses: Administrative Staff College of India, Bella Vista, Hyderabad 500 049, India
Abstract: TELCO has become the largest commercial motor vehicle manufacturer in India using a long-term competitive and technology management strategy. The paper analyses the competitive strategy of TELCO in terms of productivity improvement, distribution network, manufacturing automation, strategic alliances and human resource development. The major focus of technology management at TELCO has been intensive R&D, concurrent engineering, standardisation, and integration of manufacturing and design. The technology management involves intensive knowledge engineering, organisational learning and intensive R&D. TELCO has aligned its business strategy in such a way that it has been able to leverage its technological capability for realising its vision, which, together with continuity of leadership, has facilitated the implementation of its strategic programme.
Keywords: concurrent engineering; product development strategy; product innovation; R&D; strategic alliances; technology management; technology strategy; TELCO; knowledge engineering.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1998 Vol.15 No.6/7, pp.646-680
Published online: 01 Aug 2003 *
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