Title: Technology as a system: industrial and technological systems
Authors: Dilek C. Karaomerlioglu
Addresses: Visiting Scholar, Economics Department, Case Western Reserve University, 414 Wickenden Hall, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
Abstract: As technology is one of the main forces in an economy, many studies attempt to open this ||black box|| and understand how it functions. In this paper, I discuss the benefits of examining technology as a system and emphasise the linkage between industrial structure and technologies. After reviewing the theoretical discussions, I highlight the need for an empirical method to identify technology as a system. From a public policy point of view there are many benefits arising from the exploration of the relationship between industries and technologies in a framework called ||industrial and technological system||.
Keywords: economic development; innovation; industrial policy; systems; technology policy.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1998 Vol.15 No.6/7, pp.681-690
Published online: 01 Aug 2003 *
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