Title: An efficient search method of e-government information using knowledge of search history
Authors: Keiichiro Mitani, Masakazu Takahashi, Kazuhiko Tsuda
Addresses: IT Strategy Consulting Sector, NTT DATA Institute of Management Consulting Inc., Tokyo, Japan. ' Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan. ' Graduate School of Systems Management, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract: Basic information gathering is a vital element of the work of research firms when they begin new research. Search sources vary; they include not only site information but also documents on office shelves, and objectives include both accuracy and efficiency in producing results. Inexperienced members of research groups cannot easily define objective terms for doing their searches with the result that they take a long time to identify appropriate information. This paper looks at reference methods for special terms and business-world terms when searching e-government material. It also looks at expressions of vague numerical information often found in government reports and proposes how these can be taken into consideration and efficiently searched.
Keywords: text mining; morphological analysis; e-government; search methods; electronic government; government information; information retrieval; search history; numerical information.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2009.026606
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2009 Vol.35 No.2/3/4, pp.307 - 314
Published online: 20 Jun 2009 *
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