Title: ISO 9000: Saudi export businesses' points of view
Authors: Salem Al-Ghamdi
Addresses: Management and Marketing Department, KFUPM Box No. 667, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Abstract: The primary objective of this study is to identify the pros and cons of ISO 9000 as the Saudi Export Organisations see it. A cross sectional survey is used to collect the required information. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed randomly, covering 32 companies in the industrial cities on the East Coast of Saudi Arabia. Seventy-eight completed questionnaires were returned, representing 39% response rate. The results indicated that Saudi Export Businesses have experienced similar benefit as found by ISO registered companies abroad. However, there are indications that the main reason to register is not quality improvement but rather customers| requirements. Moreover, Saudi Export Companies were expecting more than ISO can give. They felt frustrated that ISO did not increase their product demand or provide competitive advantages. There were complaints about the level of red tape inherited by the implementation of ISO. Nevertheless, all indications show that Saudi Export Companies are realising the benefits of ISO and consider it the first step in a series of steps towards quality management.
Keywords: Saudi Export Organisations; ISO 9000 quality system; internal benefits; research objectives.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1998 Vol.16 No.4/5/6, pp.570-583
Published online: 04 Jul 2003 *
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