Title: TQM at Xerox: lessons worth duplicating
Authors: Larry A. Pace, Eileen P. Kelly
Addresses: College of Business, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, One University Place, Shreveport, LA 71115, USA. Department of Management, School of Business, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA
Abstract: This paper traces the evolution of Total Quality Management (TQM) at Xerox Corporation. The authors examine the TQM experience at Xerox as a synergistic combination of three strategic thrusts: customer focus, total involvement, and process improvement. Over the course of more than a decade, TQM at Xerox has evolved from a special emphasis to a fundamental business principle. Xerox|s success with TQM allowed the company to regain market share without government assistance and positioned the company well for the 21st century. Other companies experimenting with TQM can learn valuable lessons from Xerox|s experience.
Keywords: total quality management; Xerox Corporation; benchmarking; employee involvement; customer focus.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1998 Vol.16 No.4/5/6, pp.326-335
Published online: 04 Jul 2003 *
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