Title: Capital concentration among the food multinational enterprises and development of the world's agro-food system
Authors: Selma Tozanli
Addresses: Institut Agronomique Mediterraneen de Montpellier, 3191 Route de Mende, 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Abstract: Food multinationals are the dominant players of the world|s manufacturing industry. Analysing their evolution is necessary in understanding the functioning of the world|s agro-food system. Faced with important constraints like slow-down in demand and a strengthening food-retailing sector, they set up new sectoral strategies, especially in western countries. In addition, they enlarge their markets towards emerging economies where they struggle for leader positions. All these moves lead to a larger capital concentration and highlight the major trends of the world|s food oligopoly.
Keywords: food multinational enterprises; globalisation process; capital concentration; external growth; corporate strategy; agro-food system; sectoral diversification; geographical expansion.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1998 Vol.16 No.7, pp.695-710
Published online: 04 Jul 2003 *
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