Title: The Cabral-Dahab Science Park Management Paradigm: an introduction
Authors: Regis Cabral
Addresses: Innovation Relay Center Northern Sweden and Uminova Center, Umea University, S90187 Umea, Sweden
Abstract: The Cabral-Dahab Science Park Management Paradigm has posed an important challenge to researchers, managers and policy-makers. Eight papers, which validate and apply the paradigm, are presented in this special issue. The papers cover a sufficient variety of countries to reinforce the importance of the paradigm from a global perspective: Brazil, Sweden, USA, China and Kuwait. While traditional organisational forms and systems encounter difficulties in the global economy, the science park, when properly managed, offers a potentially successful university-industry interface. The ten points of the Cabral-Dahab Paradigm provide guidance for success. The papers also provide a new definition of innovation and, as a consequence, of science parks.
Keywords: science parks; global economy; regional development; science-based industry; research and development management; evaluation; university-industry relations; network theory; transaction costs; evaluation.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1998 Vol.16 No.8, pp.721-725
Published online: 04 Jul 2003 *
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