Title: Squeal suppression through a tuned fuzzy damper: a numerical study
Authors: Oliviero Giannini
Addresses: Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Via Eudossiana 18, 00186, Rome, Italy
Abstract: Despite over a century of research on brake squeal, an effective solution for its suppression has not yet been achieved. The scientific community agrees that squeal is caused by a coupling between modes of the rotor with modes of the pads, however, the complexity of commercial brakes represents an obstacle to design an effective solution to this problem. For this reason several researchers focused their study on the beam-on-disk that exhibit a similar instability. This paper proposes an innovative passive damper, based on the theory of pseudo damping, that completely suppress squeal occurrence on the beam-on-disk.
Keywords: brake squeal; fuzzy dampers; complex attachment; uncertainty; vehicle braking; vehicle design; passive damping; beam-on-disk.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2009 Vol.51 No.1/2, pp.105 - 123
Published online: 15 Jul 2009 *
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