Title: Nation-wide development of sustainable production patterns: The case of 16 years of sustainability in Dutch residential house building
Authors: Bart A.G. Bossink
Addresses: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract: This paper integrates the interorganisational innovation process and national innovation system-approach into a new model. A case study research project that covers a 16-year period of sustainable innovations in the Dutch residential building industry applies the model. The research outcomes indicate that interorganisational sustainable innovation processes contribute to the development of a national system of sustainable innovation. Additionally, a national sustainable innovation system facilitates, structures, and stimulates the development of interorganisational sustainable innovation processes.
Keywords: sustainable production patterns; sustainability; national innovation systems; NIS; interorganisational innovation; Dutch residential building; The Netherlands; sustainable development; residential housing; sustainable innovation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2009.027263
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2009 Vol.9 No.4, pp.356 - 372
Published online: 19 Jul 2009 *
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