Title: Reaffirming accreditation through application of Baldrige performance excellence criteria: a case study of a private, faith-based school of business
Authors: Annette E. Craven, Jeannie J. Scott, Angelina I.T. Kiser
Addresses: H-E-B School of Business and Administration, University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway, CPO 141, San Antonio, TX 78247, USA. ' H-E-B School of Business and Administration, University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway, CPO 141, San Antonio, TX 78247, USA. ' H-E-B School of Business and Administration, University of the Incarnate Word, 4301 Broadway, CPO 141, San Antonio, TX 78247, USA
Abstract: This case study is based on the eight-year journey towards performance excellence of a private, faith-based university business school working to achieve reaffirmation of its business programme accreditation. During this transition, the school converted from traditional input-based to Baldrige-based criteria, the accreditation association comprehensively revised its business programme criteria, and the business programme began offerings in extended academic programme formats. The business school created a strategic plan grounded in the Baldrige performance excellence criteria, faculty and administrators became trained Baldrige examiners, progress/award applications were made to the state Baldrige programme, and the business school was the first ACBSP-accredited school to submit its Baldrige application in lieu of the traditional self-study. The outcomes of this process include a series of best practices which can be applied across cultures that are presented in the conclusion of the paper.
Keywords: Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence; MBCPE; business programme accreditation; Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs; ACBSP; Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; AACSB; quality management; continuous improvement; faith-based education; higher education; strategic planning; best practice; University of the Incarnate Word; USA; United States; quality assurance; QA.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2009.027345
International Journal of Management in Education, 2009 Vol.3 No.3/4, pp.207 - 219
Published online: 20 Jul 2009 *
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