Title: Sequential treatment of an old-landfill leachate
Authors: Flavia S.F. Rodrigues, Daniele M. Bila, Juacyara C. Campos, Geraldo L. Sant'Anna Jr., Marcia Dezotti
Addresses: COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, P.O. Box 68506, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21945-970, Brazil. ' Department of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rua Sao Francisco Xavier, 524 – Sala 5029 F, Maracana, 20550-013, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil. ' Department of Inorganic Processes, School of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-909, Brazil. ' Chemical Engineering Program, COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, P.O. Box 68502, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972, Brazil. ' Chemical Engineering Program, COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, P.O. Box 68502, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-972, Brazil
Abstract: This work investigates the performance of combined techniques applied to the treatment of an old-landfill leachate, which presents high salinity, low biodegradability (BOD5/COD around 0.05) and high ammonia concentration. Three sequences of processes were employed, including coagulation/flocculation, chemical oxidation, biological treatment and ammonia stripping. The association of coagulation/flocculation with ozonation promoted an increase on landfill leachate biodegradability (BOD5/COD raised to 0.20). Ammonia stripping was an essential procedure for reducing toxic effects on the biological treatment step. The treatment sequence combining coagulation/flocculation, ammonia stripping, ozonation and biological treatment led to high global removals of COD (92%) and DOC (95%).
Keywords: landfill leachate; ozonation; ammonia removal; biological treatment; Fenton reactive; old landfills; leachate treatment; coagulation; flocculation; chemical oxidation; biodegradability.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2009.027408
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2009 Vol.4 No.3/4, pp.445 - 456
Published online: 22 Jul 2009 *
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