Title: Productivity management: linking producers and end users
Authors: Kin Kong Wu, Ronald B. Davison
Addresses: Graduate School of Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 110 Victoria Street, Melbourne 3000, Australia. Graduate School of Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 110 Victoria Street, Melbourne 3000, Australia
Abstract: Productivity is often too limited in its interpretation. Beyond the traditional belief that productivity is about obtaining higher output from the same physical inputs in the manufacturing system, there is a growing appreciation of the relationship between the producer and the end user. This paper explores a broader definition of productivity that focuses on customer satisfaction, and productivity management approaches that help to align and integrate the strategies and operations of the producer with the expectations and satisfaction of the end user.
Keywords: productivity; productivity management; producer achievement; end user satisfaction; integrating approaches.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1999 Vol.17 No.7/8, pp.744-752
Published online: 06 Jul 2003 *
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