Title: Observability and observer design for kinetic networks
Authors: Mohamed Hamraoui, Moussa Balde, Noel Assala
Addresses: Ecole Superieure de Technologie de Casablanca, Laboratoire RITM, Universite Hassan II Ain Chock, Morocco; INSA, Departement de Mathematiques Appliquees, AMS, URA CNRS D1378, Mont Saint Aignan 76131, France. ' Departement de Mathematiques et Informatique, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar-Fann, Senegal. ' INSA, Departement de Mathematiques Appliquees, AMS, URA CNRS D1378, Mont Saint Aignan 76131, France
Abstract: In this paper, we deal with the observability and observer design of a certain class of reactors (batch reactors) which are globally asymptotically feedback stabilisable. We show how to design two types of high-gain observers: a Luenberger-like high-gain observer and a high-gain extended Kalman filter. Results of convergence of these estimators follow from our observability analysis. We prove that the non-linear feedback controller using these high-gain observers stabilise such reactors. In fact, we develop an observer-based control structure for a non-linear model of batch reactors. Two examples of such reactors that correspond to strongly connected networks and that have zero deficiency are presented in this paper. Simulations show the good performance of such an observer-based control structure.
Keywords: observability; high-gain observers; nonlinear separation principle; batch reactors; zero deficiency; kinetic networks; observer design; nonlinear control; feedback control; simulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESMS.2009.027568
International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 2009 Vol.1 No.2/3, pp.79 - 91
Published online: 01 Aug 2009 *
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