Title: Mobile devices and services: bridging the digital divide in rural areas
Authors: Elias Pimenidis, Alexander B. Sideridis, Eleni Antonopoulou
Addresses: School of Computing, IT and Engineering, University of East London, University Way, London, E16 2RD, UK. ' Informatics Laboratory, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens 118 55, Greece. ' Informatics Laboratory, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens 118 55, Greece
Abstract: The digital divide has been mostly affecting the world|s poorest primarily due to lack of internet connectivity. A number of e-government services especially built to serve low income citizens do not reach those in need. The rapid expansion of the use of the mobile phone raises hopes that the digital divide can be bridged faster by providing services to people living in rural and remote areas. The authors review successful implementations of secure and trusted e-services available on mobile networks. These could be utilised in addressing the needs of those living in rural areas and are currently digitally marginalised.
Keywords: trust; secure mobile services; rural inhabitants; digital divide; mobile payment systems; m-services; security; rural areas; m-payment; e-services; electronic services; online services; mobile networks.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESDF.2009.027673
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, 2009 Vol.2 No.4, pp.424 - 434
Published online: 06 Aug 2009 *
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