Title: Managing organisational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital: framing and advancing the state of the field
Authors: Nick Bontis
Addresses: Management of Innovation and New Technology Research Centre, Michael, G. DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, L8S 4M4, Canada
Abstract: Since organisational knowledge is at the crux of sustainable competitive advantage, the burgeoning field of intellectual capital is an exciting area for both researchers and practitioners. Intellectual capital is conceptualised from numerous disciplines making the field a mosaic of perspectives. Accountants are interested in how to measure it on the balance sheet, information technologists want to codify it on systems, sociologists want to balance power with it, psychologists want to develop minds because of it, human resource managers want to calculate an ROI on it, and training and development officers want to make sure that they can build it. The following article represents a comprehensive literature review from a variety of managerial disciplines. In addition to highlighting the research to date, avenues for future pursuit are also offered.
Keywords: intellectual capital; organisational knowledge; human capital; structural capital; knowledge management.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1999 Vol.18 No.5/6/7/8, pp.433-462
Published online: 06 Jul 2003 *
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