Title: Hybrid polymeric composites based on polyethylene and lignin
Authors: S.K. Samal, E.G. Fernandes, A. Corti, E. Chiellini
Addresses: Bio Lab, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Via Vecchia Livornese, 1291 Pisa, Italy. ' Bio Lab, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Via Vecchia Livornese, 1291 Pisa, Italy. ' Bio Lab, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Via Vecchia Livornese, 1291 Pisa, Italy. ' Bio Lab, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Via Vecchia Livornese, 1291 Pisa, Italy
Abstract: The bio-macromolecules are emerging as an important component for minimising energy consumption, waste generation and economic development. In consumer product segments including packaging, health care products, agricultural mulch films and disposable items, these materials have a great request. Polyethylene-lignin low cost bio-based hybrid materials were formulated following a statistical mixture design. Composites were compatibilised with ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer and characterised by TGA, DSC, SEM and mechanical properties.
Keywords: LLDPE; linear low density polyethylene; lignin; fillers; EVA; ethylene vinyl acetate; copolymer blends; bio-based hybrid materials; hybrid composites; polymeric composites; biocomposites; natural fibres.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2009.027820
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2009 Vol.36 No.1/2/3/4, pp.62 - 72
Published online: 12 Aug 2009 *
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