Title: The spreading, procession, transformation of hemp in the past, present and future
Authors: G. Giampaoli
Addresses: Hemp Museum of Sant'Anatolia di Narco, Echo-Museum of Valnerina area, Piazza Marconi 1, Perugia, Italy
Abstract: In this paper the following topics will be analysed. Starting from the botanical characteristics of the cannabis sativa we can study the various moment of the working and transformation of the plant: from the sowing of the seed through the harvest, the soaking, the braking and the hakling as it concerns the historical facts. After a brief mention of the diffusion of the hemp in Italy we will try to understand why in our country since the beginning of the 1950s, the cultivation of the hemp is inclined to become extinct. What are the reasons of this abandonment? From the traditional to the potential uses of the hemp: from the textiles to paper, from the ecologic plastic to soap, from the oils to composite materials, to mention some of its principal uses.
Keywords: hemp; natural fibres; eco-compatible materials; Italy; eco-composites; composites.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2009.027822
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2009 Vol.36 No.1/2/3/4, pp.90 - 103
Published online: 12 Aug 2009 *
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