Title: The recent global concern and basic considerations for the entrance of developing countries to a nuclear power programme
Authors: Mohammad Shawkat Akbar
Addresses: Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Agargoan, Dhaka – 1207, Bangladesh
Abstract: The global energy and environmental scenarios put pressures on many developing and developed countries to think and rethink for nuclear power in their overall energy supply mix. For developing countries like China and India, nuclear energy has become an inevitable energy option. Other developing countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Poland, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam are committed to introduce nuclear power by 2020 and more than 20 new countries in different regions plan to introduce nuclear after 2020. But, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the USA has introduced a new dimension, the protection and security of nuclear power plants against terrorists to the axiology of nuclear energy, to realise the global circumstances, especially those concerned with global security. This new issue augments the existing concern over nuclear proliferation, the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear spent fuel management and developing countries often encounter or may encounter a changed environment for the introduction of nuclear power plants for peaceful purposes. In this article, some socio-techno-political issues and necessary basic considerations at the initial planning phase for the entrance of developing countries that can create parity between the black-and-white dualism of nuclear energy are addressed.
Keywords: developing countries; nuclear energy; socio-political issues; energy supply; nuclear power.
Atoms for Peace: an International Journal, 2009 Vol.2 No.4, pp.394 - 408
Published online: 13 Aug 2009 *
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