Title: The TRIPS Agreement: benefits and costs for developing countries
Authors: Robert M. Sherwood
Addresses: 7617 Leith Place, Alexandria, VA 22307, USA
Abstract: The likely impact of the TRIPS Agreement on developing countries is considered in comparison with higher and lower levels of intellectual property protection. Human resource development, university technology transfers, venture capital formation, agricultural development, and six other areas are examined under these three levels of protection. Trade facilitation is expected under TRIPS, while local invention will be fostered by private investment stimulation at more robust levels of protection. The impact of TRIPS on public administration is assessed. Judicial system ability to support intellectual property is considered.
Keywords: intellectual property; investment stimulation; trade facilitation.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2000 Vol.19 No.1/2, pp.57-76
Published online: 07 Jul 2003 *
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