Title: Complex nanostructures of ZnO: growth and properties
Authors: Ahmad Umar, Y.K. Park, Y.B. Hahn, A. Al-Hajry
Addresses: School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, BK21 Centre for Future Energy Materials and Devices, Chonbuk National University, 664-14, Duckjin-Dong 1-Ga, Chonju, 561-756, Republic of Korea. ' School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, BK21 Centre for Future Energy Materials and Devices, Chonbuk National University, 664-14, Duckjin-Dong 1-Ga, Chonju, 561-756, Republic of Korea. ' School of Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering, BK21 Centre for Future Energy Materials and Devices, Chonbuk National University, 664-14, Duckjin-Dong 1-Ga, Chonju, 561-756, Republic of Korea. ' Department of Physics, College of Science, Najran University, P.O. Box 1988, Najran, Saudi Arabia
Abstract: Variety of complex ZnO nanostructures such as flower-shaped structures, hierarchical and star-shaped nanostructures have been grown by the novel cyclic feeding chemical vapour deposition (CFCVD) process on various substrates at low-temperatures of 475°C to 550°C. Metal organic source, diethyl zinc (DEZn) and oxygen gas was used as source materials for zinc and oxygen, respectively for the growth of ZnO nanostructures synthesised by CFCVD process. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of the flower-shaped structures confirmed that the grown products are single-crystalline ZnO. In addition to the ZnO nanostructures grown CFCVD process, comb-like ZnO structures were also synthesised, in a high density, via simple thermal evaporation process by using metallic zinc powder and oxygen as source materials for zinc and oxygen, respectively. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the synthesised comb-like structures exhibited that these structures are possessing single-crystallinity and wurtzite hexagonal phase of ZnO.
Keywords: zinc oxide; ZnO; complex nanostructures; II-VI semiconductors; cyclic feeding CVD; chemical vapour deposition; CFCVD; thermal evaporation; nanotechnology.
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 2009 Vol.4 No.1/2/3/4, pp.34 - 41
Published online: 07 Sep 2009 *
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