Title: Comparison of predictions of the Hybrid Plume Dispersion Model with observations at the Kincaid power plant
Authors: S.R. Hanna, J.C. Chang
Addresses: EARTH TECH, 196 Baker Avenue, Concord, MA 01742, USA. ' EARTH TECH, 196 Baker Avenue, Concord, MA 01742, USA
Abstract: The Hybrid Plume Dispersion Model (HPDM) has been evaluated with observations from a field experiment at the Kincaid power plant. HPDM is a dispersion model for buoyant plumes that employs parameterisations of boundary-layer wind, temperature, and turbulence profiles and Lagrangian time-scales. The model accounts for the bimodal distribution of turbulent velocities in the convective boundary layer and contains an algorithm for calculating the lofting of a buoyant plume against a capping inversion. The model predictions of maximum plume centreline concentrations show a mean bias of less than l0%, a typical error that is about 50% of the mean, and a correlation of about 0.5.
Keywords: atmospheric diffusion; model evaluation; plume rise; plume dispersion; power plants; atmospheric dispersion models; environmental impact assessment; buoyant plumes; modelling; turbulent velocities; convective boundary layer; environmental pollution; air pollution.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1995 Vol.5 No.4/5/6, pp.323 - 330
Published online: 17 Sep 2009 *
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