Title: Modelling surface pollutant concentrations in the city of Zurich
Authors: M. Werfeli
Addresses: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, GIETH, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract: First results of a dispersion modelling study in the city of Zurich are presented. Surface pollutant concentrations (yearly averages) at several monitoring stations were modelled using the Danish OML-Multi operational model and compared with observations. For this purpose a detailed SO2 and NOx emission inventory for the year 1990 was constructed. The results show an average overestimation of the observed NOx concentrations of about 35% and an average overestimation of the observed SO2 concentrations of almost 50% at 24 sites distributed all over the area of investigation.
Keywords: atmospheric dispersion modelling; operational dispersion model; sulphur dioxide; nitrogen oxides; emission inventory; urban air pollution; environmental impact assessment; Switzerland; modelling; air pollution; environmental pollution.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1995 Vol.5 No.4/5/6, pp.575 - 584
Published online: 17 Sep 2009 *
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