Title: Black-hole-resistant ENADAIR-based routing protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Authors: Djamel Djenouri, Mohamed Bouamama, Othmane Mahmoudi
Addresses: CERIST Research Centre, Algiers, Algeria. ' CERIST Research Centre, Algiers, Algeria. ' Technology Department, WTA, Algiers, Algeria
Abstract: A new solution to enforce ENDAIRA against black-hole attacks is proposed in this paper. In black-hole attack the misbehaving node simply drops packets of the victim, supposed to be routed or forwarded by it. The proposal is a hybrid solution that considers both directed and broadcast control packets. It combines two different approaches, two-hop-ACK and the watchdog, to building a combined solution able to deal with both directed and broadcast packets. The main contribution is considering control packets, contrary to the current literature in the context of selfish nodes, where solutions only consider data packets. The proposed solution was used to enforce ENDAIRA, one of the most secure protocols. It enhances its security with respect to packet dropping. The solution was analysed and evaluated through an extensive simulation study.
Keywords: MANET; mobile ad hoc networks; security; secure routing; black hole attacks; mobile networks; ENDAIRA; packet dropping; routing protocol; simulation.
International Journal of Security and Networks, 2009 Vol.4 No.4, pp.246 - 262
Published online: 22 Sep 2009 *
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