Title: Improving economic efficiency of operating rooms: production planning approach
Authors: Antti Peltokorpi, Paulus Torkki, Vesa Kamarainen, Markku Hynynen
Addresses: Institute of Healthcare Engineering, Management and Architecture, Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniementie 17, 02015 TKK, Finland. ' Institute of Healthcare Engineering, Management and Architecture, Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniementie 17, 02015 TKK, Finland. ' Institute of Healthcare Engineering, Management and Architecture, Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniementie 17, 02015 TKK, Finland. ' Department of Anaesthesia, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Turuntie 150, 02740 Espoo, Finland
Abstract: Managing surgical services efficiently is essential when maximising the produced health with limited resources. This study aims at understanding the efficiency of operating rooms from the production planning and control point of view. Economic efficiency measure that includes the process costs and output was developed and tested in a real-life context. Daily efficiency was mostly dependent on the number of used operating rooms (beta –0.42, p < 0.01). Speed of surgery, number of delayed surgeries and planned utilisation rate also had an effect on the efficiency. Compared to the previous literature the role of staffing in improving operating room efficiency is emphasised.
Keywords: operating room management; production planning; production control; efficiency; scheduling; staffing; standards; surgical services; healthcare management; surgery; surgical operations.
International Journal of Services and Standards, 2009 Vol.5 No.3, pp.199 - 213
Published online: 22 Sep 2009 *
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