Title: Update and revision of Turkish air quality regulation
Authors: H. Okutan, E. Ekinci, K. Alp
Addresses: ITU Department of Chem. Engineering, Ayazaga 34469 Istanbul, Turkey. ' Isık University, Sile, Turkey. ' ITU, Department of Environmental Engineering, Ayazaga 34469 Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: The Air Quality Assurance Regulation (AQAR) was issued on October 1986. This regulation was basically a direct translation of the German TA-Luft of 1984. The main purpose of AQAR was to control the effect of industry, domestic heating and Traffic on ambient air quality which previously had not adequately been represented. Two new regulations, ||Industry Related Air Pollution Control Regulation|| (IRAPCR) and ||Heating Related Air Pollution Control Regulation|| (HRAPCR), came into force in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Two more regulations on traffic-related air pollution control and ambient air quality are to be issued. In this study, we evaluate the two air pollution control regulations IRAPCR and HRAPCR on legal, technical, administrative, practical and global basis. A comparison of these two new regulations with EU Directives has also been made.
Keywords: air quality regulation; emission limits; industrial pollution; heating; air pollution; environmental pollution; Turkey; EU Directives; European Union.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2009 Vol.39 No.3/4, pp.340 - 351
Published online: 23 Sep 2009 *
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