Title: Outside the fields of praise: women's rugby in Wales
Authors: John Harris
Addresses: Gym Annex 263E, School of Exercise, Leisure and Sport, Kent State University, Kent, OH, 44242, USA
Abstract: Rugby union lies at the heart of Welsh identity and perhaps the very concept of Welshness itself. It is also one of the most masculine of all team sports and in some places, such as Wales, lies central to notions of toughness, manliness and hegemonic masculinity. The development of women|s rugby offers an interesting arena in which to examine changing and competing discourses within the sport. Despite an often-repeated mantra about the growth of the women|s game, a negative image poses a real threat to its future development. The following paper provides an account of the experiences of female rugby players and offers insights into the game, its governance and the people who play it.
Keywords: female rugby; rugby union; women; Wales; image; governance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2009.028800
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2009 Vol.6 No.2, pp.167 - 182
Published online: 30 Sep 2009 *
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