Title: Building a knowledge repository for life-long competence development
Authors: A. Grigorov, A. Georgiev, M. Petrov, K. Stefanov, S. Varbanov
Addresses: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, 5, James Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria; Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev 8, Sofia, Bulgaria. ' Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, 5, James Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria. ' Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, 5, James Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria. ' Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, 5, James Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria. ' Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev 8, Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract: This paper discusses the building of a knowledge repository for life-long competence development. The repository is an essential part of the LearnWeb2.0 system, which is aimed at stimulating knowledge sharing, knowledge management and the transformation of information into knowledge. The paper describes system|s architecture, the choice of a digital repository, the modelling of digital objects and the metadata for resources.
Keywords: digital repositories; Web 2.0 services; knowledge resource; knowledge sharing; knowledge management; KRSM; knowledge object models; knowledge repositories; metadata; e-learning; online learning; electronic learning; life-long learning; competence development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2009.028828
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2009 Vol.19 No.4/5/6, pp.300 - 312
Published online: 06 Oct 2009 *
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