Title: The TENCompetence EPIQ's business demonstrator development
Authors: Elena Shoikova, Vladislav Denishev
Addresses: Technical University of Sofia, 8 'Kliment Ohridski' Blvd., Bl.1, Rm. 1360 and 1361, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria. ' Technical University of Sofia, 8 'Kliment Ohridski' Blvd., Bl.1, Rm. 1360 and 1361, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract: This paper presents the EPIQ business demonstrator as a specific element of the evaluation work within the framework of the 6FP IST Integrated TENCompetence project. The goal of the business demonstrators is to prove the viability and validity of the TENCompetence domain model and the software infrastructure through real-life implementations in business companies, focussing on the implementation of life-long competence development support in the company. The reported work is taking place at EPIQ Electronic Assembly, Botevgrad, Bulgaria, from 01 November 2008 until 30 June 2009. The specific aim of this business demonstrator is to develop a pilot implementation of the innovative TENCompetence organisational and technological infrastructure to support top and middle management, various professional communities and individuals for improving the processes of competence management, organisational learning and knowledge management in an enterprise context. The business demonstrator|s design considers the company strategic plans and available HR management information (job description, training programmes, etc.). The paper examines the value of the TENCompetence model and framework for the description of competence profiles identified in the company, how they are used for developing a competence catalogue in the company and for the implementation of lifelong competence development inside the company.
Keywords: personal competence manager; PCM; professional community; competence profile; personal development planning; training; knowledge management; continuing education; life-long learning; TENCompetence; EPIQ; business demonstrators; evaluation; competence management; organisational learning; human resources management; HRM; competence development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2009.028829
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2009 Vol.19 No.4/5/6, pp.313 - 328
Published online: 06 Oct 2009 *
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