Title: On the applications of the space time premise when exploiting location diversity of multiple antenna sites
Authors: Geili Tawfieg Abdalla El Sanousi
Addresses: Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Communication Engineering, Omdurman Ahlia University, P.O. Box 786, Omdurman, Sudan
Abstract: This paper presents novel techniques to exploit the spatial dimension and the space time (ST) premise in a Large Scale Communication Networks LSCN(s). These techniques are based on an encapsulation framework aimed at enforcing an artificial none line of sight (NLOS) condition. The framework integrates the spatially diverse multiple antenna sites (MAS); composing parts of an LSCN into joint transmission/reception systems. The location diversity of these MAS provides for exploiting the spatial dimension whether for multiplexing gain, diversity gain and/or array gain. Whereas multiplexing gain is best exploited in multi input multi output (MIMO) architectures to boost spectrum efficiency; diversity and array gains lend themselves to equally useful applications e.g., in VSAT technology; array/diversity gain can improve the uplink efficiency to satellite, diversity gain may resolve uncertainty issues in HF link, etc. This paper develops a framework for exploiting MIMO in a network to network communications. It also outlines possible applications of location diversity of MAS in LSCNs. Selected scenarios include terrestrial satellite networks, VSAT network topologies, HF communications and broadband global area networks (BGAN).
Keywords: large scale communications networks; LSCN; network to network communication; multiple antenna sites; MAS; space-time wireless communication; location diversity; multi input multi output; MIMO; terrestrial satellite networks; VSAT networks; HF communication networks; broadband global area networks; BGAN.
DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2009.029001
International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, 2009 Vol.1 No.2, pp.118 - 127
Published online: 20 Oct 2009 *
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