Title: Transfer of technology: a critical element in China's privatisation process
Authors: Junzheng Ding, Jaideep Motwani
Addresses: Grand Valley State University, 401 West Fulton, #409 DeVos, Grand Rapids, MI 49504-6431, USA. Grand Valley State University, 401 West Fulton, #409 DeVos, Grand Rapids, MI 49504-6431, USA
Abstract: Chinese economic reform has developed to a critical stage. To maintain and enlarge the achievement of economic development, China needs to privatise the State Owned Enterprises (SOE). This paper, first, discusses the general economic situation in China. Next, the necessity and benefits of technology transfer are addressed. Finally, several aspects of technology transfer are discussed and a model of technology transfer for achieving successful privatisation is suggested.
Keywords: China; economy; privatisation; SOE; transfer; technology.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2001 Vol.21 No.5/6, pp.453-462
Published online: 08 Jul 2003 *
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