Title: A mobile intelligent negotiation agent embedded and hybrid architecture based online purchasing system
Authors: Runhe Huang, Takeshi Yamazaki, Jianhua Ma
Addresses: Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Hosei University, Tokyo 184-8584, Japan. ' Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Hosei University, Tokyo 184-8584, Japan. ' Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Hosei University, Tokyo 184-8584, Japan
Abstract: This paper proposes a mobile intelligent negotiation agent embedded and hybrid architecture based online purchasing system (MineAgeHops in short) with three emphases: agent mobility, intelligent negotiation, and hybrid architecture. Like in the physical world, a buyer agent can travel over the internet to a remote e-shop for obtaining information about a product and negotiating on the product with a seller. Human negotiation is a complex process. The evolutionary negotiation model makes an effort to reflect different negotiation levels of human with increasing knowledge and experience as time goes. A hybrid of centralised and decentralised architecture can overcome the network bottleneck problem as well as improve purchasing efficiency by enabling agent mobility and flexibility.
Keywords: evolutionary negotiation models; mobile agents; hybrid architecture; e-purchasing system; intelligent agents; electronic purchasing; online purchasing; multi-agent systems; agent-based systems; intelligent negotiation; network bottleneck; purchasing efficiency; embedded systems.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2009.029349
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2009 Vol.3 No.4, pp.288 - 298
Published online: 22 Nov 2009 *
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