Title: International technology transfer: a complement to economic restructuring?
Authors: Narendra K. Rustagi
Addresses: School of Business, Howard University School of Business, Department of Information Systems and Analysis, 2600 6th Street N.W., Washington, DC 20059, USA
Abstract: Economic restructuring is considered to be the panacea for problems faced by developing countries and countries in transition from the socialist to the free-market economic structure. Even though there are some success stories, most countries undergoing structural adjustment have faced lower economic standards for the majority of the population. This has resulted in the slowing down or reversal of some of these reforms. In this paper, it is argued that transfer of appropriate technology as a complement to the current reforms is needed for these reforms to be successful.
Keywords: technology transfer; economic restructuring; structural adjustment; competitiveness; economic policy.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2001 Vol.21 No.5/6, pp.604-611
Published online: 08 Jul 2003 *
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