Title: A study of knowledge database for 'Kana' strings self-study system on navigation
Authors: Kenta Koyama, Naoto Hara, Isao J. Ohsugi, Junichi Yoshino, Hiroshi Ichimura, Akiko Ono, Toshiaki Kuroiwa, Seiu Yamashita
Addresses: Salesian Polytechnic Advanced Course of Production System Engineering, 4-6-8 Oyamagaoka Machida-shi, 194-0215 Tokyo, Japan. ' Salesian Polytechnic Advanced Course of Production System Engineering, 4-6-8 Oyamagaoka Machida-shi, 194-0215 Tokyo, Japan. ' Salesian Polytechnic Advanced Course of Production System Engineering, 4-6-8 Oyamagaoka Machida-shi, 194-0215 Tokyo, Japan. ' Salesian Polytechnic Advanced Course of Production System Engineering, 4-6-8 Oyamagaoka Machida-shi, 194-0215 Tokyo, Japan. ' Salesian Polytechnic Advanced Course of Production System Engineering, 4-6-8 Oyamagaoka Machida-shi, 194-0215 Tokyo, Japan. ' Salesian Polytechnic General Education (English) 4-6-8 Oyamagaoka Machida-shi, 194-0215 Tokyo, Japan. ' Symbolic Technology Co., Ltd., 3-15 Kandanishiki-Mahchi Chiyoda-ku 101-0054 Tokyo, Japan. ' Penmanship R&D Center, Kirigaoka Yokohama-shi 226-0016, Kanagawa, Japan
Abstract: This study is on a computer-aided practice system for |Kana|, which is one of Japanese traditional arts. The system uses a pen tablet as an interface device. There were similar studies however, our system is different from those studies, in the way that this system has two important points: navigation and knowledge database. The practice with navigation is useful for learning the dynamism, which is one of the important points of |Kana|. The database is based on a formal knowledge that was transformed from information that the master obtained by experience. This paper describes design, implementation and evaluation of our system.
Keywords: knowledge databases; e-leaning; self study; formalised knowledge; navigation; pen tablet; penmanship; calligraphy; electronic learning; online learning; computer-aided practice; Kana.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2010.029440
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 2010 Vol.2 No.1, pp.49 - 63
Published online: 30 Nov 2009 *
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