Title: Entrepreneurship education and the propensity for business creation: testing a structural model
Authors: Ricardo G. Rodrigues, Mario Raposo, Joao Ferreira, Arminda Do Paco
Addresses: Department of Business and Economics, University of Beira Interior, Estrada do Sineiro, 6200-209 Covilha, Portugal. ' Department of Business and Economics, University of Beira Interior, Estrada do Sineiro, 6200-209 Covilha, Portugal. ' Department of Business and Economics, University of Beira Interior, Estrada do Sineiro, 6200-209 Covilha, Portugal. ' Department of Business and Economics, University of Beira Interior, Estrada do Sineiro, 6200-209 Covilha, Portugal
Abstract: This study aims to identify the factors that contribute the most to the intention to start up a business. The research also aims to identify the profile of student who is a potential entrepreneur concerning several aspects: personal attributes, family, demographic variables and motivations. Based on a sample of university students, a structural model was tested. Research findings include the idea that entrepreneurship education is the most relevant factor in the propensity for business creation. On the other hand, personal characteristics have an important role in shaping the motivation to start up a business and perceived hurdles have a negative impact on the intention to start one up.
Keywords: entrepreneurship education; higher education; universities; business start-ups; structural equation modelling; SEM; student profiles; small businesses; business creation; personal characteristics; motivation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2010.029506
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2010 Vol.9 No.1, pp.58 - 73
Published online: 30 Nov 2009 *
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