Title: Evaluation of the consequences of road system failure on other critical infrastructures
Authors: Yannick Hemond, Benoit Robert
Addresses: Bureau C314.1, Centre risque & performance, Departement Mathematiques et de Genie industriel, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, C.P. 6079, succursale Centre-ville, H3C 3A7, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ' Bureau A-305.31, Centre risque & performance, Departement de Mathematiques et de Genie industriel, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, C.P. 6079, succursale Centre-ville, H3C 3A7, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Abstract: Every Critical Infrastructure (CI) uses a road system for its operations, whether to receive resources or to execute support activities. The road system may fail at any time and this could have repercussions on the CI|s usage. With the methodology developed by the Centre risque & performance (CRP), it is possible to characterise and model the road system as a CI. Using a consequence-based approach, this paper proposes a simplified approach of addressing dependencies with the road system while evaluating interdependencies between CIs.
Keywords: road system failure; critical infrastructures; road systems; interdependencies; domino effect; dependencies; Canada.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCIS.2010.029573
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2010 Vol.6 No.1, pp.1 - 16
Published online: 30 Nov 2009 *
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