Title: Continuous improvement through collaborative action learning
Authors: Paul Coughlan, Andy Harbison, Tony Dromgoole, Dermot Duff
Addresses: School of Business Studies, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. School of Business Studies, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. Irish Management Institute, Sandyford Road, Dublin 16, Ireland. Irish Management Institute, Sandyford Road, Dublin 16, Ireland
Abstract: The development of continuous improvement capability within a small firm can benefit from action learning and external collaboration with other firms. This paper describes an action research initiative with two objectives: 1) to facilitate continuous improvement of operations practice and performance through collaborative action learning in a small number of firms; and, 2) to develop an approach, of a contingent nature, to address this need which could be replicable both in Ireland and throughout Europe. In particular, the paper will describe the movement by five Irish firms towards |World Class| operations practice and performance. A case study on one firm will be featured. The firm developed a capability to improve their operations as they participated and collaborated in the National Action Learning Program (NALP).
Keywords: action learning; action research; continuous improvement.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2001 Vol.22 No.4, pp.285-302
Published online: 08 Jul 2003 *
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