Title: Monetary integration and the French model: a case study in the eurozone
Authors: George Ross
Addresses: ad personam Chaire Jean Monnet, Universite de Montreal, Canada; McGill-University-University of Montreal European Union Center for Excellence, Canada
Abstract: Whatever its successes and difficulties, monetary integration has caused significant changes in many, perhaps most, Eurozone societies. A review of EMU|s origins and first years of EMU would thus be remiss without national case studies. France is a particularly good choice for this task. It has had complicated, passionate relationships with European integration. It has often taken the lead, worked to make the architecture of Europe conform to its desires and protested about the constraints that this new Europe placed on its national life. And nowhere have these contradictory outlooks been as clear as in European monetary integration and EMU.
Keywords: France; European Union; EU; Economic and Monetary Union; EMU; European integration; social policy; Francois Mitterrand; Jacques Delors; monetary integration; Eurozone; Euro; business research; economics.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2010.029733
International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2010 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.125 - 143
Published online: 01 Dec 2009 *
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