Title: Identifying interorganisational networks: a factor-based approach
Authors: Luciana C. Ballejos, Jorge M. Montagna
Addresses: CIDISI – Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo, en Ingenieria en Sistemas de Informacion, Facultad Regional Santa Fe, INGAR – Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseno, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Avellaneda 3657 – (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina. ' CIDISI – Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo, en Ingenieria en Sistemas de Informacion, Facultad Regional Santa Fe, INGAR – Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseno, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Avellaneda 3657 – (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Abstract: This paper deeply analyses Interorganisational Networks (IONs), reaching the understanding of their creation and operation in different contexts. The rapid growth of IONs has not yet resulted in any systematic characterisation for them. Indeed, the literature has primarily discussed specific types, but there is a need to determine a set of factors that best describes them and, at the same time, helps in their individualisation and distinction from others. Thus, a framework to identify the IONs is developed. It is formed by diverse factors divided in three perspectives: organisational, interorganisational and technological. This will allow users and developers to understand this complex context, specify their needs and establish a common basis for IONs| application and understanding, including the aspects of their design and analysis when implementing Interorganisational Information Systems (IOSs), etc. As an example, the decisions at different levels during Supply Chain Networks| (SCNs) operation are analysed.
Keywords: interorganisational networks; interorganisational information systems; supply chain networks; supply chain management; SCM; cooperation; decision making.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNVO.2010.029867
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2010 Vol.7 No.1, pp.1 - 22
Published online: 02 Dec 2009 *
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