Title: Competition and cooperation: what roles in scientific dynamics?
Authors: Maj-Britt Juhl Poulsen
Addresses: Department of Medical Philosophy and Clinical Theory, University of Copenhagen, Panum Institute, Blegdamsvej 3, DK-2200, Copenhagen N, Denmark
Abstract: This paper investigates how competition and cooperation are experienced by individual researchers in the biomedical sciences, giving special attention to the interplay between the two phenomena. The study is based on interviews with researchers of different formal status in both the public and the private sector in Denmark. The different forms and levels of competition and cooperation and the researchers| own attitudes in this respect are discussed. Furthermore, it is shown to what extent competition and cooperation are compatible and self-reinforced. The main argument in the paper is twofold. Competition and cooperation are based on objectives and the existence of local arrangements make the interplay between competition and cooperation possible.
Keywords: competition; cooperation; science; biomedical research; interplay; simultaneous; trust; rules; moral economy.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2001 Vol.22 No.7/8, pp.782-793
Published online: 09 Jul 2003 *
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