Title: The World Wide Web: an effective vehicle for global procurement documentation dissemination
Authors: Phillip R. Marcus
Addresses: Metro Four Consultants, 13 Municipal Plaza, P.O. Box 1428, Bloomfield, NJ 07104-1428, USA
Abstract: The global marketplace has increased the demands and reduced the time frames for businesses to bring new products to market. However, to remain competitive, manufacturers must reduce their procurement operations and handling costs. While information is critical to the success of nearly every organisation, paper remains the main vehicle for recording and dissemination of that information. Consequently, the effective and efficient delivery of engineering documentation has become crucial. The development of the World Wide Web (Web) has opened the door to the electronic transmission of these technical documents. Companies can realise tremendous cost savings by the efficient and effective deployment of the Web in their manufacturing procurement process.
Keywords: internet; aperture cards; paper documents; engineering data; global business; e-commerce; World Wide Web.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2002 Vol.23 No.1/2/3, pp.201-206
Published online: 09 Jul 2003 *
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