Title: Time-jerk synthetic optimal trajectory planning of robot based on fuzzy genetic algorithm
Authors: Ming Cong, Xiaofei Xu, Peter Xu
Addresses: Key Laboratory for Precision and Non-traditional Machining Technology of Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning Province 116024, China. ' Key Laboratory for Precision and Non-traditional Machining Technology of Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning Province 116024, China. ' School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Private Bag 102904, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract: A new approach based on fuzzy genetic algorithm is developed to find the time-jerk synthetic optimal trajectory of robot with a joint space scheme using cubic splines. In order to get the optimal trajectory, cubic splines are employed and derived under the constraint condition. Based on cubic splines, the mathematic model of time-jerk synthetic optimal trajectory planning is built by taking into account of both the execution time and the minimax approach of jerk with kinematics constraints expressed as upper bounds on the absolute values of velocity and acceleration. For solving the mathematic model, we designed the set of fuzzy control rules and fuzzy genetic algorithm, using real-coding and elitism approach. Finally, the proposed optimal technique is tested in simulation on a three-degrees-of-freedom glass substrate handling robot. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the algorithm to solve the contradictory problem between high production efficiency and low arm vibration.
Keywords: time-jerk trajectory planning; optimal trajectory planning; cubic splines; FGA; fuzzy GAs; fuzzy logic; genetic algorithms; robot trajectories; robot kinematics; fuzzy control; mathematical modelling; simulation; glass handling robots; robot vibration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISTA.2010.030199
International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 2010 Vol.8 No.1/2/3/4, pp.185 - 199
Published online: 11 Dec 2009 *
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